24 Nov 2015

Week 16 of 365 Challenge Shadow Week

Shadow week was challenging on a couple of days where it rained and I was lucky to catch the sun out in the early morning or evening. It saved me from having to create shadows indoors which I was hoping not to have to do. If there's one thing I've learned from this challenge so far it's that I really do prefer shooting outdoors in natural light and that wildlife, nature, and flower shots are my confirmed favorites. I think that once I've finished the whole 365 challenge I'll revisit the themes and take a close look at the ones that really challenged me and why. Next week it's Balance week. 

Have a great week :)

18 Nov 2015

Week 15 of 365 Challenge Blurred Week

Blurred week was a bit of a blur lol. I spent most of the week helping to rearrange our workshop for my hubby's 50th birthday party this weekend. It always seems to be the favored place for the guys to hang out. Consequently I didn't get on my computer to down load my pics from my camera for most of the week and ended up uploading the whole seven together. I tried to blur each day's image in a different way. Vertical, horizontal, circular, speed blur and even a bit of wind movement. I'm quite happy with the results. In fact, I think this turned out to be a better green week than green week was. Next week is Shadows.

Have a great week :)

Week 14 of 365 Challenge Bird Week

Bird week was a lot of frustration and fun. The birds in my garden decided to hide whenever I went out with my camera. Thankfully work was finished on the edges and bridge at the local duck pond so the water was back where it should be. There's still some grass to be resown around the pond though so there are barriers up around the bare patches which made things interesting. I do miss the lake near our old house though, there were Canadian geese, Coots, Cormorants, Swans and Kingfishers there where this pond seems to be all ducks. It gives me a good excuse to go out and explore a bit more around this area though so it's not all bad.

Have a great week :)

3 Nov 2015

Week 13 of 365 Challenge Architecture Week

Architecture has been an interesting challenge this week. I felt all week that my local buildings weren't good enough for this challenge as I was taking my shots. I guess I had a preconceived idea that I should be taking pictures of sky scrapers and that the much shorter buildings I live with didn't quite fit the theme. I've tried to capture a mixture of styles and eras in my shots but it's only a small selection of the variety here. The last pic is from a shopping centre in the nearby city, all the rest are from my small town. I've never taken building shots before so I'm not sure I've shot them in the best possible way but it was a fun week.

Have a great week!

Week 12 of 365 Challenge Green Week

Green week wasn't one of my best. I really wasn't feeling it this week. I felt like I was continually running around taking a last minute snap instead of thinking about what I wanted to take and planning my shots. Not sure if it was the subject or if I was just busier than usual. Better luck next week I hope.

Have a great week!